Monday, April 13, 2009


Sometimes you just need something to brighten your day.
(sound needed)

Watching this clip, weirdly, made me realize how much I miss theatre. Mock Trial feeds my mind and my competitive edge, but theatre feeds my soul. My recent book club book does that as well. Eat. Pray. Love. Half feeds it and half starves it out of complete envy. One of the central themes revolves around faith.

I miss faith. When I was younger I felt an intense connection to God at all times. After my mom became sick I struggled, but still went on mission trips and stayed in youth group. After she died, my faith completely died. Recently, I am looking again to feel that connection. One problem I have had is it is hard for me to connect to any one religion. I automatically find what I disagree with and it keep me from fully signing on.

One of the best things about this book is it totally supports the idea of cherry picking your religion. What's wrong with picking and choosing as long as those choices help you personally connect to God. It doesn't matter how large or fast your river is; they all run into an ocean and all those oceans eventually connect.


  1. The only thing is, some of these religions believe that only their river gets to the ocean and some even say (to go with the analogy) that, in the end, there is no ocean! (like Buddhism). All very interesting though, is it not?
    Yay I have a blog now! :D

  2. I'm glad to see this novel has touched you as it has for me. I've never felt like a very spiritual person until the last year or so and it makes me excited to read something that really brings out those feelings.
    Love ya, life partner.

  3. oh, and i watched the vid. Awesome! Kinda made me tear up a's like an injection of pure joy.
