Saturday, April 4, 2009

High Maintenance?

Are you low maintenance or high maintenance? Maybe even the worse kind...girls who think they are low maintenance, but are actually high maintenance.


Low Maintenance

1) will often leave the house in only sweats and a ponytail
2) spontaneous
3) shops at Wal-Mart and Payless
4) I frequent trashy bars

High Maintenance

1) must alter anything I order at a restaurant
2) my handbags often cost more than the contents within
3) I expect boys to know when I'm upset and how to fix it without telling them
4) I prefer someone else to kill spiders for me

Now I have been attacked by half the men on the mock trial team for being too picky in restaurants. Even told that my orders drive them nuts because I cannot just order a number 3. Let's be honest here. Is there anything wrong with wanting what you want and asking for it. I think not. According to I am not high maintenance. Well, maybe a little, but not a total drama queen. Now, you maybe asking why is she on Actually my brilliant friend Dr. A.P., a future psychologist, once told me that her boyfriend glances at her cosmo from time to time. Brilliant behavior on behalf of said boy. Besides learning tips to keep her happy, he also gets an idea of what she is learning. So why shouldn't I do the reverse and see what boys are learning in order to better position myself.

Apparently, men find somewhat high maintenance women attractive. It goes to their manly hormonal protector zone or something. So with this in mind I am going to keep ordering my ranch on the side.

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