Tuesday, March 31, 2009

5 Steps to being a Goddess

I baked today. Bringing my inner baker out from deep within. So here I am with my boxed cake mix watching Legally Blonde. I can argue case law, yet I can't make a simple cake.

  1. I open the cake mix and a nice portion of the powder goes flying.

  2. I realize the recipe calls for 3 eggs and I only have 2. So I do what any normal 20 some year old girl would do and look up on wikihow what to substitute. Apparently, you can put in applesauce. I don't have applesauce. I put in half a thing of yogurt. Pomegranate yogurt. I have yet to taste.

  3. I mix everything together and it is not gooey at all. It's like making bread. So I mush it together and throw it in the pan. Two minutes later I realize I forgot to add water. So I grab it out of the oven and scoop it back into the bowl to stir in water.

  4. Thankfully, 34 minutes it comes out looking like cake.

  5. Add chocolate frosting and sprinkles. I am now a domestic goddess.

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