Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'll have what she's having....

"When Harry Met Sally set the potential for male-female friendship back about 25 years," said Michael Monsour, assistant professor of communications at the University of Colorado at Denver.

Uh-oh, again I find myself setting back feminism single handily. Back to the basic question of whether men and women can just be friends. Let's start at the beginning. My first male friend was in 1st grade, a cute little Jewish boy who lived three blocks away and he also became my first boyfriend. It didn't last that long. Naturally, I began avoiding male friends at the age of 7 because of my first failed attempt. I stuck to being a girly girl and surrounding myself with female and gay male friends. My inexperience with the other sex caused some undesired reactions. Every time, I befriended a male up until college I automatically started having feelings for him.

Of course, I realize that there are girls who have platonic friendships with males. I wonder though if those friendship delve into the close friend territory. The all night, soul baring, secret sharing friendship. Apparently 62 percent of all subjects reported that sexual tension was present in their cross-sex friendships. That does not help my case.

Granted I have male friends, but it seems like I need to keep them in a certain list of check-offs to make it work.

Mockergirl's rules to maintaining cross-sex friendships.

1) Befriend those whom you have no physical attraction for what-s0-ever.

2) Befriend males with bad habits you couldn't stand in a boyfriend -e.g. poor dental hygiene, gamers, stupidity.

3) Do not marry your male friends in your head. (TRUST ME)

4) Wear a lot of sweaters, sweatpants, and ponytails.

5) Do not let them come over drunk at 4am to talk.

6) Befriend boys who like they could be your brother.

7) Start telling yourself how they are exactly like your dad or brother therefore eliminating any sexual urges.

8) Do not tell all your mutual friends when you start to slip up and find one of them attractive.

9) Deny, deny, deny.

10) When you fail, and you will. Repeat step 1-9 until desired results.

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