Saturday, March 28, 2009

Trial and Error

I don't understand this silly test and what it has to do with becoming an attorney. So Jose, Roberts, Claude, Lila, and Ping are on a boat. If Paul is on the left side of Lila, but only if Lila is driving the boat...... First, why are these random people on a boat so damn picky about where they are sitting? Second, why do I care?

Honestly, I can read a law book, brief a case, and argue in front of people. What else do you want from me Harvard!

I took the LSAT's for the first time back in October of 2007. I didn't study...scratch that...I studied once. I took a practice test while watching Legally Blonde at 2am. I didn't do well. So I retook the test this morning. It doesn't count officially, but it was a practice test taken under the real conditions at the U of M. I haven't looked at my LSAT book in a year and a half. While taking the test, I thought this is not going well. I am going to end up a stripper in Siren, WI. Then strangely enough I did 10 pts better than I did when I took it the first time.

Excited, yes. Confused, yes. I hate this stupid test.


  1. moral of the story? wait three years, don't touch that book, and you'll do another whopping 20 points better than before!

    also, if you become a stripper in Siren, Wisconsin, I'll come visit you. with lots of ones. heh. kidding.

    (this is dänika)

  2. Agreed. The less I care, the better I will do.
    Good to know though that if that doesn't work out you will come and support my up and coming business venture.
