Monday, March 30, 2009

Clear and Present Danger

Running in heels. Alright, I'll admit it most days I love being a girl. I like pink, fluffy pillows, handbags, and having the door held open for me. Yet, I agree that there are moments that I believe, nay, know that it is easier to be a guy.

Example - Love life. Even though women and do anything a man can do and in heels I may add. We are still expected to act like submissive 1950's poodle skirt girls when it comes to courting. We may throw out all the signs, but most men will admit that they want to be the one chasing. Which means that women are forced to be manipulative by men. Yet, then men claim that we are manipulative. A vicious cycle. If women put out too much they are dirty sluts, yet if they keep their legs closed they are prudes. Men only want women to sleep around if it is with them.

I have to pay the same bills, pay rent, work the same amount of hours, take the same classes, etc. Yet, realistically in ten years I am somehow expected to also do all the house cleaning, cooking, and child raising. Granted, if you want to pay me to stay at home, fine. The fact that men nowadays also expect their wife to work 40 hours a week and bring home a sizable paychecks makes me did feminism backfire so that now we have to do more work?

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